instrumented testing

rf and acoustic

the goal

The goal of the tests performed is to determine the attenuation or shielding effectiveness of the Facility or Barrier under test. Generate a report reflecting the achieved attenuation.

RF Defense has experienced technicians that have over 20 years and hundreds of facilities and products tested utilizing our unique approach to Shielding Effectiveness Testing

Tests We Perform

RF attenuation will be measured utilizing a swept multipoint frequency test over a pre-determined spectrum. Typically, these tests are performed on your facility to determine barrier attenuation characteristics. A total of three types of tests are usually performed for each test point location for each test point (Frequency): a Reference Test, a Data Test and an Ambient Test. If applicable, a Walk-Away Test, can be performed to estimate actual dissipation of the generated test signal.

About Acoustic Tests

Acoustic tests are generally performed to confirm that the barriers enclosing a sound source sufficiently reduce the level of sound so that it cannot be heard in adjacent areas.



  • STC

    Most commonly requested for secure areas, basic Sound Transmission Class

  • NRC

    Noise Reduction Coefficient describes the ability to reflect sound.

  • RaSTI

    Rapid Speech Transmission Index, speech intelligibility.

  • NIC

    Noise Isolation Class measures values of noise reduction.